Coin Cleaning Fibreglass pen
Coin Cleaning

Fibreglass Cleaning Pen for coin cleaning
A fibreglass cleaning pen for removing deposits from your metal artefacts. The retractable pencil action allows you to show more or less of the fibreglass nib as required for the cleaning task, or extend further after wear.
This pen takes 4mm diameter fibreglass refills.
Fibreglass Finepoint Cleaning Pen 2mm
A fine-point fibreglass cleaning pen for detailed work in removing deposits from your metal artefacts. The retractable pencil action allows you to show more or less of the fibreglass nib as required for the cleaning task, or extend further after wear.
This pen takes 2mm diameter fibreglass refills.
These pens are ideal for cleaning heavily soiled coins but they will leave scratches on the surfaces of coins, so not ideal for coins for collecting
cleaning coins with a fiberglass pen