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Metal Detectors
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Introducing the exciting new Vanquish Series of metal detectors from Minelab. Bringing Minelab's unique Multi-IQ Simultaneous Multi Frequency Technology (from the Equinox Series) to the masses in a light-weight, compact and affordable metal detector that is simple enough for anyone to use, while offering detecting power unrivaled in its price range and above

minelab vanquish uk metal detector for beginnersminelab vanquish test

The BEST Metal detector for beginners and Kids out of the Box is a switch on and go metal detector that works on the beach or on land, ideal also as a back up metal detector. Super small compact design fits easily in a backpack.

minelab vanquish screen
NO Complicated MENUS
Turn on and go with
PRESETS for jewellery,
Beach and fields

minelab battery


red armcup on the minelab Vanquish


minelab stem lock

Easy Press Cam Locks
to hold Adjustments

Minelab vanquish headphones fitting

3.5mm Jack Plug for headphones

                                                                    VIDEOS OF THE MINELAB VANQUISH IN USE
Where to BUY the MINELAB VANQUISH Series of Metal Detectors Click HERE
Copyright 2025
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