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beginners guide to metal detecting
minelab Paul Cee Detexpert

Metal detecting for beginners.

1st thing Get some insurance from the NCMD (National Council For Metal Detecting)
2. If you planning on metal detecting beaches in the UK, check out the Crown Foreshore Permit, as some beach areas in England are out of bounds for metal detecting, and you may also need a Local Council Beach Metal Detecting Permit.

If you havent decided on which metal detector is best for you we at CRAWFORDS Metal Detecting have a wide range available and also some pre-owned metal detectors for all price ranges, from begginner to expert and  serious gold prospecting and treasure hunting

When you get your first metal detector things will seem very frustrating, what is a good target what if a good signal is rubbish (junk)
why does the numbers say ring and i find a ring pull.
why am i digging lots of iron ?
why cant i find coins ?
Setting up your metal detector for relic and treasure hunting
mainly on beaches.
The Dig or Dont dig Series of videos helps you to understand what metal detector tones mean and how the numbers on the detector screen help you to identify targets, and also how non desired targets can also fall into treasure finds or jewellery and coins.
We find the targets and you hear the metal detector tones.
and see the target id numbers from the metal detector.
you decide would you dig or leave the target behind, some of the targets will be good i.e Gold,silver, rings, jewellery and coins
Some will be bottletops, ring pull can slaw and the usual rubbish found beach metal detecting.
Of course if your a seasoned metal detectorist you can join in for fun

Below is a video of the Minelab Vanquish 340 against the NOKTA/Makro Simplex plus over some Mineralised soil the Vanquish 340
CAN EASILY pick out the small HAMMERED COIN and the SIMPLEX CANT..
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